Tēnā koe
Nō Kirikiriroa au
Kei Te Tāmaki Makaurau ahau e noho ana
Ko Phillips tōku ingoa whānau
I have been working in the mental health and alcohol and other drug sector in Aotearoa since the early 2000’s. I’ve held a variety of roles in service delivery both here and overseas including working as a clinical social worker, a project manager in funding and planning and for a number of years in workforce and service development. I joined Pathways in 2010 having worked with them and many others in the NGO sector, across a number of new service delivery initiatives. I love working for an organisation that believes so deeply in whānau potential and who are so determined to improve the wellbeing of people and communities.
I am a father to three vibrant young adults who are all making their way in the world and who continually make me smile on a daily basis. Along with my partner, we do a lot of hiking and enjoying the beautiful landscapes of Aotearoa. We love to travel and experience difference cultures when we are able and also enjoy cooking and hosting whānau and friends.